A conceptual framework for all WOC activities has been defined. It helps understand the different aspects of the work of the WOC and structure its projects. The five building ocean platforms of this framework are listed below:
Ocean Platforms
Regional Ocean Councils
The World Ocean Council is fostering the development of regional ocean business councils to engage Members’ input to regional policy processes, science efforts, and the development of solutions to operational […] -
Ocean Investment Platform
The World Ocean Council is raising awareness on the opportunities for investors to invest in responsible ocean economic development. The recent trends for wealth fund operators and asset managers highlight […] -
Sustainable Development Goals
The World Ocean Council (WOC) works with the industry and especially its members to develop meaningful, practical targets that can link the realities of responsible ocean business operations to the […] -
Sustainable Ocean Summit
The World Ocean Council organizes the annual Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS), the only international ocean business event to provide a synthesis of status and trends in ocean economic activity. The SOS […]