Philipp Hermes, Partner, BHM Penlaw

Philipp Hermes is a lawyer qualified in German law in 2008. He was working with a leading boutique law firm specialised in ship finance and was advising banks, shipowners and shipyards. In 2013 he joined as General Counsel and member to the board a family-owned shipping company. In November that year, Mr. Hermes set up Bureau Hermes Maritime (BHM) which became the international law firm BHM Penlaw in April 2014.
Mr. Hermes is advising the public and private sector in the maritime domain with an emphasis on international law enforcement and maritime security matters.

Philipp Hermes contributes to the EU – Central Asia Rule of Law Platform, serves as commander (jun) with the German navy and acts as legal advisor with NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in Kiel.

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