Board of Directors

The WOC Board of Directors comprises senior business leaders from around the world and across the sectors who work together to provide leadership, guidance and support to the Secretariat in developing and delivering on the WOC Mission.

Donna Lanzetta, (Chair), CEO, Manna Fish Farms, Inc.

Donna Lanzetta is an attorney and entrepreneur with a passion for sustainable seafood production. Motivated by a concern for our world’s growing population, our fixed/declining wild fish stocks, and the urgent need to feed our burgeoning numbers, Manna Fish Farms is awaiting permits to operate two of the first U.S. open ocean fish farms, in U.S. Federal waters, ten miles off the coast of  Eastern Long Island, and 23 miles off the coast of Pensacola Beach, Florida.


Jacques Demers (Treasurer), Chairman & Managing Partner, AGAWA Partners

Jacques Demers is Chairman & Managing Partner of AGAWA Partners Inc. and its asset management subsidiary, AGAWA Fund Management Inc. Jacques co-founded AGAWA in 2015, bringing over forty years of experience in investment, law and pensions, both in Canada and globally. AGAWA is derived from the Ojibwe word meaning “sheltered place”.


Simon Bennett (Secretary), recently retired after a lifetime in the maritime sector.

Simon Bennett has been a Director of the World Ocean Council since 2019. He was the General Manager for Sustainable Development for the Swire group shipping companies: Swire Shipping; which provides high frequency liner shipping services in the Asia Pacific market, Swire Bulk; the dry bulk trading division operating a fleet size of over 150 Handy-size and Supra-,Ultra-,Pana-max vessels, and for Swire Pacific Offshore, which owned and operated a diverse fleet of more than 70 Offshore Support vessels until its sale to a peer group company in mid-2022.


Philipp Hermes, Partner, BHM Penlaw

Philipp Hermes is a lawyer qualified in German law in 2008. He was working with a leading boutique law firm specialised in ship finance and was advising banks, shipowners and shipyards. In 2013 he joined as General Counsel and member to the board a family-owned shipping company. In November that year, Mr. Hermes set up Bureau Hermes Maritime (BHM) which became the international law firm BHM Penlaw in April 2014. Mr. Hermes is advising the public and private sector in the maritime domain with an emphasis on international law enforcement and maritime security matters. Philipp Hermes contributes to the EU – Central Asia Rule of Law Platform, serves as commander (jun) with the German navy and acts as legal advisor with NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in Kiel.


Lori Kennedy, Co-owner, LouisbourgSeafoods

Lori Kennedy has been the co-owner of Louisbourg Seafoods since the company was founded in 1984. She is a former fisheries plant worker with a deep appreciation for the industry and a skillset derived from working in all facets of business operations. Mrs. Kennedy believes the knowledge and experience passed down from her ancestors, who have lived for hundreds of years in Newfoundland and St. Pierre & Miquelon, France, have informed her success. Valuing and respecting the ocean is an important lesson she has learned from them – a lesson all seafood companies should incorporate into their mission.


Mark Ko, Executive Director, Tian San Shipping (Pte) Ltd.

Mark is responsible for the overall management of TSS and sets the strategic direction of the company. Mark sits on various boards and committees for sustainability, safety and insurance. He graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of San Francisco double majoring in Economics and Mathematics.


Colleen Martin – Lead for Environment in UK/Europe, BMT Ltd.

Colleen Martin is Lead for Environment in UK/Europe at BMT Ltd. She is an experienced professional in community regeneration and sustainability, developing her skills and expertise through previous experience with […]


Henk van Muijen, Managing Director, IHC Mining

Henk van Muijen is the managing director at MTI Holland (The Knowledge Centre of IHC Merwede). He started his career at MTI Holland in 1984 as junior project manager and joined IHC's mining department as product manager in 1986. He worked as the manager of the technical department of IHC Mining from 1990 to 1993, at which point he was promoted to senior project manager at MTI Holland. His work involved an array of dredging and mineral processing projects including conducting environmental impact assessments and cleanups, selecting proper dredging and mining equipment, controlling dredging related to constituent processing steps and business development of mineral processing projects.


Jenny Cornuelle Krusoe – Executive Vice President and COO, AltaSea

Jenny Cornuelle Krusoe is the Executive Vice President and COO of AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles. A Harvard College honors graduate with a nonprofit management fellowship from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Jenny is a recognized leader in public-private partnerships and sustainable strategic planning. She has raised hundreds of millions for nonprofit organizations and spent the last decade building a global network to support the ocean economy, mariculture, and blue technology. A frequent speaker at conferences, Jenny has served on numerous advisory groups, including USC Sea Grant and the Blue Action Lab. She is the recipient of the City of STEM Icon Award and the Spirit of Los Angeles Award.


Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy – Managing Director/CEO (a.i.)

Stewart is Managing Director for World Ocean Council, most recently the acting executive director for the Ocean Sewage Alliance, where he remains as Steering Committee Chair. Stewart is also part of the Ocean Fellows team at the Center for Ocean Policy and Economics at Northeast Maritime Institute, member and advisor for Global Island Partnership, advisory committee member and BlueSwell mentor for SeaAhead, lead rapporteur for SMILO-the small island organization, and vice chair of Four Bands Community Fund’s board of directors. He also teaches resilience ​ finance, innovation and storytelling at the International University of Catalunya’s School of Architecture.