The World Ocean Council (WOC) as an ARICE Partner collaborated with other members of the EU Polar Cluster KEPLER, ARCSAR and with ExtremeEarth in the organization of the session “Breaking the Ice: Cooperation for Safe and Responsible Exploitation of Arctic Sea Routes” at the Arctic Circle 2019.
Members of the ocean business and investment community attending the Arctic Circle 2019 were invited to participate in this special session, which showcased the need for a collaborative science-industry approach in addressing accurate sea-ice and weather predictions, information on the status of the Arctic and its marine life, and complex predictions of future scenarios. The session aimed to foster active discussions on how the science community can better address the needs of industry, and to identify opportunities for collaboration between the science community, ice mapping agencies and industry.
Speakers included:
- Peter Hinchliffe OBE, Former Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping, Independent Maritime Consultant
- Nicole Biebow, Head of International Cooperation Unit, Alfred Wegener Institute
- Nick Hughes, KEPLER Coordinator, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Leader of the Norwegian Ice Service
- Mark van der Hulst, Managing Director, Oceanwide Marine Services
- Andrew Kendrick, Vice President, Vard Marine Inc, Fincantieri Group, Ottawa, Canada
- Bent-Ove Jamtli, Director of Joint Rescue and Coordination Centre Northern Norway (JRCC NN)
- Vladimir Vlassov, Associate Professor, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
Breaking the Ice: Cooperation for Safe and Responsible Exploitation of Arctic Sea Routes
Date/Time: 11 October, 17:00-18:30
Venue: Flói, Harpa Ground Level