With the theme of “Ocean Vision 2030: Decade of Action”, the Sustainable Ocean Summit 2020 (Online, 08-11 December) connected the diverse international Blue Economy industry and investment world to focus on the coming “Decade of Action” for sustainable development, since the creation of the SOS in 2010.
The SOS 2020 covered the flowing areas:
- Implementing the Vision of Ocean and Climate Data Collection by Industry: SMART Ocean-SMART Industries in Support of SDG 14 and the U.N. Decade of Ocean Science
- Arctic Sustainable Development: Impacts of Changing Environmental Conditions on Shipping Operational Risk
- UN Law of the Sea: Ocean Industry Input to the New Legally Binding Instrument on Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)
- Port and Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation: Private Sector Collaboration to Advance Action, Investment and Nature-Based Solutions
- Ocean ESG: Responsible Investing in the Ocean
- Biofouling and Invasive Species: Engaging Industry Over the Long Term
Click here to access SOS 2020 report