
The WOC is the only international organization bringing together leaders from a wide range of ocean industries to collaborate on achieving the goal of a healthy, productive global ocean and its sustainable development and use and stewardship by a responsible Ocean Business Community.

What We Do

The WOC facilitates collaboration among ocean industries and facilitates collaboration among ocean industries and coordinates engagement of the relevant stakeholders on cross-sectoral issues affecting the future of the ocean.

The WOC brings together the diverse Ocean Business Community to develop Ocean Platforms addressing ocean sustainability issues.

In particular the WOC is working to:

  • Build, maintain and resource the WOC as the world’s international, cross sectoral leadership alliance where Members collaborate on advancing the responsible use of marine space and resources, address the risk to industry access and operations and create competitive advantages by proactively tackling current and emerging environmental challenges.
  • Reduce ocean use conflicts by facilitating interaction and collaboration among sectors and fostering cross industry information sharing, dialogue and constructive relations building.
  • Assist the Ocean Business Community in improving environmental performance through continuous development and sharing of best practices and standards.
  • Coordinate collaborative efforts to develop science-based solutions to common environmental challenges that cannot be solved by one company or industry alone, such as biofouling and invasive species, marine sound, marine mammal impacts, marine debris, and others.
  • Develop ocean industry leadership alliances in priority regions.(Arctic, Caribbean, high seas etc)
  • Foster and facilitate industry efforts to collect and share oceanic, atmospheric and environmental information with the science community.
  • Address the Ocean Business Community’s needs and priorities on present and emerging ocean policy and planning issues.
  • Develop working relationships and communications with key NGOs, government agencies, intergovernmental bodies, scientific entities and other ocean organizations.
  •  Effectively engage stakeholders in ocean policy and planning by coordinating and improving the Ocean Business Community’s input to multi-stakeholder negotiations on global ocean sustainable development issues such as marine protected areas, marine spatial planning etc.
  • Increase the flow of information regarding the Ocean Business Community’s efforts and progress on sustainability and in addressing the media and the public’s environmental concerns.


A growing number of companies,intergovernmental organisations and associations share the WOC’s vision of a healthy and productive ocean and its sustainable use and stewardship by responsible businesses. Here is what they say about our endeavours:

Ensuring ocean industries are addressing their marine environmental impacts and contributing to clean seas requires a global approach for a global ocean. Thordon Bearings is pleased to become a member of the World Ocean Council. This unique international industry alliance creates the opportunity for Thordon and other innovators to work with leadership companies from other sectors to tackle the shared sustainability challenges affecting the future of the ocean and of business operations.

Craig Carter Director of Marketing and Customer Service at Thordon Bearings July 14, 2016

Ports play a critical role in ocean development sustainability and global ocean allied industries require a global approach. Team SAGT recognizes WOC as an international industry platform creating the opportunity for SAGT and other like-minded responsible maritime industry operators to collaborate in tackling the challenges to the future of the ocean ecosystem and ocean related businesses.

Romesh David South Asia Gateway Terminals CEO January 7, 2019

SeaAhead is excited to be a new member of the WOC, a global organization of ocean business leaders dedicated to ocean stewardship. We look forward to working with WOC Members and the global ocean business community on accelerating the development, investment and uptake of innovation for sustainable development. We encourage other ocean related innovation accelerators to engage with the WOC to help achieve the scale and pace of efforts needed to tackle the challenges facing the ocean.

Mark Huang SeaAhead Co-Founder December 10, 2018

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