Margaret Hepburn is the CEO and owner of Hepburn Bio Care Group: Hepburn Bio Eco Care, Hepburn Bio Yacht Care, Hepburn Bio Body Care and other environmental companies.
Margaret has been a lifetime entrepreneur passionately committed to working in harmony with nature and protecting the environment by ensuring toxic chemicals are replaced by super concentrated, non-toxic chemicals reducing plastics and risk to the end user. The Hepburn System also treats all waste water at its source reducing solids, odours and pollution while creating a safer less toxic environment to live in.
Hepburn Bio Care is a multimillion dollar Group with a global supply of biodegradable, phosphate free, non-flammable, non-toxic to aquatic life eco-friendly cleaning and waste water treatment products. All of which offer environmentally responsible customers a more effective, safer, ecologically sustainable alternative to traditional chemicals, protecting your assets by reducing chemicals volumes and repair and maintenance costs.
Hepburn clients cover a range of industries such as: cruise companies, the Off-Shore Industry, cleaning companies and hospitality companies, such as: RCCL, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Princess Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines, Disney Cruises, Thomson, AIDA, Maersk, Transocean, Top Nett, luxury hotels and many more.
Margaret Hepburn, CEO and Owner, Hepburn Bio Care Group