What the SOS 2013 Participants say about the Success of the Event…
Of the more than 220 participants at the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2013, 92% of respondents to the event survey reported that the SOS 2013 met or exceeded their expectations. One WOC Founding Member, a senior, global figure in the shipping industry, wrote that this was a “magnificent Summit” that was “a real demonstration of WOC progress.”
In the evaluations, 80% said they would recommend the SOS to colleagues. A participating journalist from a major national scientific institution wrote that, “Between the focus, high level of dialog, and expert participants, I found it to be among the best conferences I’ve attended recently.”
Why the Sustainable Ocean Summit?
The World Ocean Council’s second SOS was convened to further advance leadership and collaboration among the diverse ocean business community in addressing marine environment and sustainability challenges. The SOS 2013 event builds on the highly successful SOS 2010, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which drew together more than 150 representatives from a wide range of ocean industries.
The SOS 2103 was an unprecedented gathering of the ocean business community and catalyzed the growing interest among ocean businesses for more effective leadership, collaboration and business value in addressing shared ocean environmental challenges.
The SOS brought together the wide range of industries involved in the use of marine space and resources, including shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, ports, mining, renewable energy, tourism, dredging, marine science/technology, maritime law, insurance, finance, and others.
Who organized the Sustainable Ocean Summit?
The SOS was organized by the World Ocean Council (WOC) – the only international business leadership alliance on Corporate Ocean Responsibility.
A steadily growing number of companies from the wide range of ocean industries worldwide are distinguishing themselves as leaders in ocean stewardship and sustainability by becoming WOC Members.
The SOS Organizing Committee included a diverse mix of leadership companies who are engaged in design and development of the event.
What was on the Sustainable Ocean Summit program?
The conference addressed priorities for cross-sectoral industry leadership and collaboration in ocean sustainability, including: ocean policy, regulations and governance; marine spatial planning; the role of industries in ocean and climate observations; biofouling and invasive species; fisheries and aquaculture interaction with other industries; cross-sectoral collaboration in responsible use of the Arctic; sound and marine life; cargo issues, port waste reception facilities and marine debris; marine mammal interactions; the role of finance, insurance and legal sectors in ocean sustainability.
SOS sessions were designed to provide the state of the knowledge on these issues, including topic overviews, case studies and examples of best practices. The SOS advanced the development and implementation of solutions by providing input to WOC priority-setting, programs and projects.
Who attended the Sustainable Ocean Summit?
SOS participants were primarily the senior management responsible for environment and sustainability in companies and industry associations from a wide range of ocean industries. Other ocean stakeholders were welcomed as well, e.g. senior representatives of international organizations, government agencies, academic/research institutions and non-government organizations. Click here for a list of registered participants.