The 5th Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) was held from 29 November – 1 December, 2017 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!
The SOS 2017 theme was “The Ocean Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14): Business Leadership and Business Opportunities”.
The SOS is a unique gathering of the world’s ocean industries focused on the sustainable development, science and stewardship of the global ocean.
What was on the Sustainable Ocean Summit program?
Click here to see the Full Online Program of the SOS 2017.
Click here to access the SOS 2017 Report.
The SOS 2017 focused on:
• Ocean business community leadership in achieving the U.N. “Ocean” Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.
• Business growth and investment opportunities of ocean sustainable development.
The SOS has:
• Advanced the development of SDG targets and indicators being developed with and for the Ocean Business Community via the WOC.
• Addressed the other SDGs and how they relate to the ocean and also create the need for business leadership and opportunities for business growth and development.
• Built on the results and momentum of the U.N. Ocean/SDG 14 Conference (June 2017) and other ocean events of 2017 by bringing these to the unique SOS ocean industry conference.
The SOS 2017 theme recognized:
• The growth of the Ocean Economy and its contribution to the food, energy, transport, communications and other needs of society as part of the UN SDG process.
• The role of the Ocean Business Community over the next 15 years, and beyond, in ensuring the health, productivity and Sustainable Development of the Ocean.
What the SOS 2017 Participants say about the Success of the Event…
Over 230 decision makers from all the ocean sectors and from 28 different nationalities came together around the conference theme of “The Ocean Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14): Business Leadership and Business Opportunities”.
High-level participants have expressed their appreciation of the content and the format of the Sustainable Ocean Summit 2017:
“It’s been fantastic. There is a huge diversity of industry and a high level thinking.”
Joe Turner, COO, Exocetus Autonomous Systems
“The summit is indispensable, it is an opportunity of collaboration for industries.”
Donna Lanzetta, CEO, Manna Fish Farms
“There is a very large number of experts in a lot of fields. It provides a very good source of knowledge from experts which is not usually easily available.”
Anuj Chopra, Vice-President – Americas, RightShip
“It’s absolutely great. It brings all the sector together to discuss issues that come of interest.”
Kathy Metcalf, President and CEO, Chamber of Shipping of America
“The SOS is a unique opportunity to share, get to know various points of view of global stakes. The session format and density are very well done”
Frédéric Perié, Head of Water Management Project, TOTAL