World Ocean Council agreement with Barcelona City and Port strengthens development of global Blue Economy hub; Barcelona to Host SOS 2022 and Inaugural Global Blue Finance Summit (BlueFIN) in October […]

World Ocean Council agreement with Barcelona City and Port strengthens development of global Blue Economy hub; Barcelona to Host SOS 2022 and Inaugural Global Blue Finance Summit (BlueFIN) in October […]
The World Ocean Council (WOC) and The Ocean Opportunity Lab (TOOL) are collaborating to launch a global competition focused on innovative solutions and technologies to address marine biofouling. These solutions […]
World Ocean Council has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Green Marine, , formalizing an already strong working relationship between the organizations and their complementary efforts on industry environmental sustainability and ocean health.
The World Ocean Council (WOC) is hosting workshops about the Seabed 2030 ocean floor mapping project, which aligns with the WOC’s SMART Ocean-SMART Industries (SO-SI) program. SO-SI’s mission is to ensure industry data collection and sharing is coordinated, efficient and available to public agencies and the scientific community, in support of a safe and sustainable maritime industry.
Paul Holthus, CEO of World Ocean Council, was recently interviewed in advance of his particiaption in the 4th Transition Forum. The forum, which brings together the public and private sector around efforts to speed the global transition to a low-carbon future, took place September 30 and October 1.
7 October 2021 World Ocean Council and XPRIZE Co-organize Webinar to Engage Ocean Entrepreneurs in $100M Carbon Removal Competition The World Ocean Council is thrilled to partner with the $100M […]
Last month, a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) was signed between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the World Ocean Council. The partnership will connect ESA with the maritime sector and […]
Read the guest article from WOC CEO Paul Holthus in Impact Entrenpreneur Magazine, an online magazine and platform covering the innovators, funders and broader ecosystem that are advancing the United Nations SDGs around the world.