As part of its work with GEF/UNDP/IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project, the World Ocean Council (WOC) is conducting a survey to identify challenges, priorities, trends and management practices related to biofouling and invasive species in the following industries:
- Offshore renewable energy
- Dredging
- Coastal infrastructure/construction
Companies, industry associations, and others directly involved in these sectors are invited to complete the survey.
Take the Survey
The survey will close on 28 February 2022.
The survey data will be used to enhance understanding of best practices in biofouling management for non-shipping sectors. The results and related work on best practices will be made available to all respondents.
The GloFouling Partnerships Project is a 5-year international initiative to address biofouling. It is a partnership of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and International Maritime Organization (IMO).
The World Ocean Council is the lead partner engaging the ocean business and investment community in the GloFouling Partnerships Project. Since the first Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) in 2010, WOC has highlighted the global, multi-sectoral action needed to address biofouling, including its potential as a vector for the introduction of invasive species.