The World Ocean Council (WOC) Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) has become the premier forum for advancing industry leadership, ocean sustainable development, science and stewardship. Following the success of SOS in Singapore (2015), Washington D.C. (2013), Belfast (2010) and the continuing growth of the WOC, SOS 2016 was organized in Rotterdam, from November 30 to December 2, 2016.
The SOS 2016 theme “Ocean 2030: Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean Business Community” has been addressed in a unique global business conference program. The SOS provided a timely, global platform for leadership companies and organizations to advance Corporate Ocean Responsibility and the implementation of ocean business community solutions to ocean sustainable development challenges.
Over three days, SOS 2016 attendees explored a range of cross-sectoral topics, strategies and solutions through workshops, plenary and parallel sessions. The working format helped identify clear, realistic pathways to successfully achieving shared objectives for sustainable ocean use.
Click here to see the Full Online Program of the SOS 2016.