Dr Jack Dyer as a specialist climate change, development and blue/ocean economist, has over 9 years global/African consultancy, lecturing and entrepreneurship experience with a BSC Hons in Economics from the University of Kent, a Master of Commerce (Maritime Economics/Law) and PhD in climate change’s impact on the future of Pacific and global blue economies, ecosystems, communities and individuals. His climate change, green and blue economy experience ranges from cruise and marine tourism to education, business, drones, ship repair, finance and psychology space economy, maritime law, ocean governance, logistics. Project achievements include Liberia’s first ocean economy Durban’s Blue Ocean’s Economic Framework; an official delegation into China’s blue economy, reviewing the Durban-Bremen Marine Environmental Education Network/LTAS Flagship Projects and National South African Climate Change Strategy. He set up a global climate change, space and blue economy website, www.blueeconomyfuture.org.zanetwork of contacts, Linked In profile -Dr Jack Dyer, Blue Economy Future SA and movement. Recent projects include identifying over 500 blue economy entrepreneurs, 150 blue economy/marine and climate change activist organisations; and being involved with the World Ocean Council Roundtables on Ocean and Climate Restoration as a member of the World Ocean Council and Associate/Young Ocean Professionals, and climate change and ports; along with the proposed creation of a Blue Economy related Incubation Accelerator and Entrepreneur Network.
He has been also actively involved as part of International Association of Maritime Economists, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Benguela Current Convention Youth Ambassador, Young African Leadership Initiative, Australian Climate Change Research Network and Sustainable Ocean Alliance he serves as a candidate to be considered in driving a resilient response to a COVID19 environment, changing nature of sustainable blue economy finance and other trends. Dr Jack Dyer, has been involved in researching as an academic, researcher, lecturer, entrepreneur and consultant to improve the prospects in creating a sustainable and profitable; oceanic eco-conscious destiny for the future of the blue economy and Earth, forever prioritising fundamental priorities such as futureproofing against global climate change and other disruption, responding to trends. He’s founded a website www.blueeconomyfuture.org.za and LinkedIn network of contacts/movement committed to this end.